Year: 2020
FFXIV.SS #10 – Magical Il Mheg
Posted under FFXIV OnlineI was flying through Il Mheg to do my Miner’s Crystalline Mean quests and the colors of this place is just astoundingly beautiful. Reshade is used to make the colors pop a little more but even without, it’s still a gorgeous area.
Llama commands
Posted under StreamingThese are the llamama gifs that subscribers of my Twitch channel are able to use in Twitch’s chat, and everyone in my Discord server can use. They are created by the very talented huiro, who also does amazing pokemon fanart. I have asked her for the permission to use the gifs for these purposes.
Recent posts’ images are fixed
Posted under Site newsI updated the WordPress engine for the blog recently and somehow the images in the recent posts couldn’t be displayed properly after that. I did a bit of searching and it was caused by a plugin so I disabled it and everything should be back to before the update now. There are still broken images…
I think new update broke images again
Posted under Site newsI think new update broke images again, so when I have free time later this week (which I may have scheduled a bunch of stuff), I’ll see how I can fix them.
FFXIV.SS #09 – Moonfire Faire
Posted under FFXIV OnlineMoonfire Faire has returned to Eorzea! Again it’s at Costa del Sol and the beautiful beachside fireworks view is back! With the new desktop I have, it also means that I can install Reshade again and take beautiful screenshots that I don’t have to use Photoshop on. This year’s event features an epic fight between…
Some updates
Posted under Site newsLately there’s some odd behavior with the blog, such as the index page randomly going down for short time due to too many redirect. And when I poked around the past posts a bit more, I found that a bunch of posts have broken images (or maybe they were broken since a while back but…
FFXIV.SS #08 – Otter Friend
Posted under FFXIV OnlineFinally got my Abroader Otter! I’ve been wanting one since it was announced, and handed my partner (our FC’s voyage master) with the mission to bring it home. It took him a very long while, because we didn’t have a single submarine for our FC then. But thanks to his effort and with the help…
A Little Lantern
Posted under StreamingWhen I think of myself as a streamer, I think of lights. Each streamer is a lamp, and some, are those huge ones that illuminated stadiums, some are the street lamps guiding paths, some are the disco lights of large friendly social spaces. All sorts of many different lights. Myself, I think, is a lantern…
FFXIV.SS #07 – Orbonne Monastery 02
Posted under FFXIV OnlineWeeks ago when I went to Orbonne Monastery, I took some screenshots with my character in that place.
FFXIV.SS #06 – Orbonne Monastery 01
Posted under FFXIV OnlineI happened to chance upon a Twitter post for a player organized event in FFXIV, where the objective is to enter Orbonne Monastery for the sole purpose of taking screenshots. It would be interesting, I thought, and it was always such a pity that in usual raid runs, we couldn’t stop to admire the scenery.…
FFXIV.SS #05 – Couple
Posted under FFXIV OnlineScreenshot taken when I was in Ala Mhigo area, doing my level 80 Red Mage job quest. The sky is just gorgeous in this game. PS. I’ll try to remember to post more regularly.