Category: Site news
New post? New site?!
Posted under Site newsWell… I’m back! And gonna update regularly. At least with my streaming schedule. Long story short, I was working on refreshing the site since I want to feature my vtubing / streaming stuff more. Somehow when I moved web-hosting, I broke the new look I was working on and then couldn’t restore it, which greatly…
Images are fixed! I’m back? Sort of.
Posted under Site newsI was feeling rather out of sorts and in a bout of procrastination, decided to login and update the wordpress software version. Which then led me to attempting to fix the botched image thumbnails and links (which, note to self, was caused by mismatched folders and image urls). Long story short, images are fixed! So…
popping up for a bit
Posted under Site newsJust popping in a bit and updating the backend stuff but oh boy, the images are all mostly still broken somehow. I’m a bit swamped by work (and other matters), so it’ll be a while until I can sit down and fix them properly.
Recent posts’ images are fixed
Posted under Site newsI updated the WordPress engine for the blog recently and somehow the images in the recent posts couldn’t be displayed properly after that. I did a bit of searching and it was caused by a plugin so I disabled it and everything should be back to before the update now. There are still broken images…
I think new update broke images again
Posted under Site newsI think new update broke images again, so when I have free time later this week (which I may have scheduled a bunch of stuff), I’ll see how I can fix them.
Some updates
Posted under Site newsLately there’s some odd behavior with the blog, such as the index page randomly going down for short time due to too many redirect. And when I poked around the past posts a bit more, I found that a bunch of posts have broken images (or maybe they were broken since a while back but…
Incoming Dappervolk post
Posted under Site newsWorking on an introduction + first impression post about an online browser game named Dappervolk which is now in Closed Beta but it’s getting longer than I expected. But I’ll see about getting it out in the next few days.
I have returned!
Posted under Site newsI am alive! And back! 😀
Bye bye, Miku clock 🙁
Posted under Site newsDue to many mobile browsers and Chrome (and Vivaldi, by extension) not supporting Flash anymore, I’m removing the Miku clock on the right side-bar to avoid showing you guys the ugly blank or “not supported” rectangle. 🙁 As I’m currently way too busy, I’ll see about adding something else there in the future.
Sparkling theme 1.8.1
Posted under Site newsReminder to self, don’t update the Sparkling theme to latest version (again) yet because somewhere between 1.7.7 to 1.8.1, a change in the backend caused the child theme’s previous Theme Option settings to not be used. Instead, the parent theme’s settings is being used. The only way to fix is to downgrade the theme back…
Shizu.Yue, new name, new start
Posted under Site newsAlthough I am a little late with this announcement…. With a brand new look and lots of changes, Apathetic Moon is now making a return as Shizu.Yue! ♪♪\(^ω^\)( /^ω^)/♪♪ I have secretly been working on this new version of the site for a while, on and off. Using Sparkling theme as base for the appearance,…
Apathetic Moon v2?
Posted under Site newsI have been wanting to re-organize my blog so that things are more well-categorized and tagged, as well as selectively displayed. I want to make it possible for people who wants only to read my game related posts, or things going on in my life, or cosplay related stuff (I do intend to post about…