FFXIV.SS #06 – Orbonne Monastery 01

I happened to chance upon a Twitter post for a player organized event in FFXIV, where the objective is to enter Orbonne Monastery for the sole purpose of taking screenshots. It would be interesting, I thought, and it was always such a pity that in usual raid runs, we couldn’t stop to admire the scenery. So I signed up, and had more fun than I expected.

We went in unsynced with a total of 11 people and it went kind of smoothly at first. Then some time into the second boss fight, certain mechanics made it so much harder by killing two out of three alliance due to not having enough people to deal with it properly. Still, we managed to defeat them and the third boss, and then it was free time to take screenshots until the timer runs out and we could leave at any time.

For this post, I picked these four screenshots for the atmosphere they portrayed, and did some slight editing (basically just applying filters) to bring out the colors. Next week I’ll post another five screenshots. 😀 This time, with my character in them.

One response

  1. […] wanted to post this set of screenshots weeks ago, after this set, but couldn’t quite managed to get myself to sit down and edit them until […]

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