Category: Streaming
Meruri Streams: 30 Sept to 06 Oct 2024
Posted under Stream ScheduleI’ve decided to put my adventures with Hildibrand in FFXIV on hiatus and focus on Eiyuden Chronicles: Hundred Heroes because I’m just having so much fun. Remember, these are all going to be on YouTube.
Meruri Streams: 26 Sept to 29 Sept 2024
Posted under Stream ScheduleI’m back! My family matters are done and over with, so after a day of rest, I decided to schedule the Eiyuden streams that were cancelled last week. ✦ Schedule for 23 Sep 2024 to 29 Sep 2024⭒ Time in SGT (UTC/GMT +8)· Thu (26 Sep) 9.30 PM – Eiyuden Chronicles: Hundred Heroes, Youtube version…
No streams: 19 Sept to 29 Sept
Posted under Stream ScheduleBad news, the family emergency I mentioned is happening now. Apart from tonight’s stream, all other streams this week are cancelled and I won’t be scheduling any streams for next week. I’ll update again the week after next. Thanks for understanding.
Meruri Streams: 16 Sept to 22 Sept 2024
Posted under Stream ScheduleThis week is a bit special… actually, this whole month is a bit special as it’s Shizu’s birthday month. In the past I would do a week or day of special celebration stream, but due to some possible emergency downtime, I decided to just chill and play Eiyuden Chronicles: Hundred Heroes for the whole week.…
Some Announcements for my Twitch Streams and etc
Posted under StreamingThis is mostly meant for my Twitch regulars / viewers and I was going to post it on Discord. Then I posted it (as four separate messages too) and realize I wrote too much and it’s better as a blog post that I can also share to Twitter as well. ^^; There are quite a…
Llama commands
Posted under StreamingThese are the llamama gifs that subscribers of my Twitch channel are able to use in Twitch’s chat, and everyone in my Discord server can use. They are created by the very talented huiro, who also does amazing pokemon fanart. I have asked her for the permission to use the gifs for these purposes.
A Little Lantern
Posted under StreamingWhen I think of myself as a streamer, I think of lights. Each streamer is a lamp, and some, are those huge ones that illuminated stadiums, some are the street lamps guiding paths, some are the disco lights of large friendly social spaces. All sorts of many different lights. Myself, I think, is a lantern…