Tag: WP themes
Sparkling theme 1.8.1
Posted under Site newsReminder to self, don’t update the Sparkling theme to latest version (again) yet because somewhere between 1.7.7 to 1.8.1, a change in the backend caused the child theme’s previous Theme Option settings to not be used. Instead, the parent theme’s settings is being used. The only way to fix is to downgrade the theme back…
Shizu.Yue, new name, new start
Posted under Site newsAlthough I am a little late with this announcement…. With a brand new look and lots of changes, Apathetic Moon is now making a return as Shizu.Yue! ♪♪\(^ω^\)( /^ω^)/♪♪ I have secretly been working on this new version of the site for a while, on and off. Using Sparkling theme as base for the appearance,…
Return of the Captcha
Posted under Site newsCaptcha is back after my brief test for two days and the results is an average of 40 spams per day. I had Akismet and a honeypot type anti-spam, but alas, a few dozen spams still managed to slip through. So, sorry for the ugly, but it seems I need a Captcha.
Using Post Format for this blog
Posted under Site newsI’ve got the coding part of implementing Post Format into the theme done, so it’s more or less the design part now. Instead of having a huge If Else chunk in the middle of many templates, I decided to use the method introduced in Even Smarter Post Formats. I made a lot of changes to…
Some new stuff added
Posted under Site newsMost of the additions have to do with comments. The most prominent is the CAPTCHA, because I have a rather rampant spam problem. Another is that comments posted will not need approval before they show up and visitors’ comments can be edited within a certain period of time. Another thing, which is kind of really…
New userstyles uploaded
Posted under Site newsI have been wanting to upload these new userstyles that I made recently and I finally did it today. You can find a complete list of my userstyles at my Projects page, but here are the two new ones. Remember the Milk – Sleek Redesign Userstyles.org – update of Super Style redesign
Prettifying: part one point oh one
Posted under Site newsYAAAY!! Apathetic Moon looks much much more like its old self now! I realized what went wrong after hours of digging into the Twenty Ten and Color Paper templates, and it’s my own stupidity that screwed up the whole theme. T_T On the bright side, there are a few small improvements. ^^ Not very visible,…
Prettifying my blog, part one.
Posted under Site newsUsing Leather theme as a temporary theme, I don’t like some parts of it. I hope I can get Color Paper to work again, I’m insanely in love with that theme like nobody’s business. Maybe I’ll just go ahead and make it a Twenty Ten child theme, post format friendly so I can make my…
Oh well, iTheme it is
Posted under Site newsAfter a round of searching and trying out the themes that I find to my taste, I still end up with iTheme. -_-; Oh well, I am alright with it for now. But I’ll definitely make my own theme when AM goes officially live. So many things I want to do, but not enough time…