Tag: problems

  • Notes to self about Playstation 3 backup restore

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    So my precious first generation 60GB backward-compatible Playstation 3 got its second YLOD (Yellow Light of Doom) a few days ago and it looks like it’s dying for good. It gave us the YLOD  for the first time around less than a month ago, and we managed to revive it using this solder reflow method…

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  • Posted under

    Hmm… there’s something wrong with the paging of comments. It’s turned off for now, but I’m going to have to fix it later. >.<

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  • Dragon Nest SEA, Fix for Trading House Lag

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    Today, I found out from this topic in the Dragon Nest SEA forums, that changing resolution of your Dragon Nest SEA game client was able to fix the infamous Trading House Lag. Courtesy of the forumers atemu1234 and Scarel01, here are the resolutions that work (windowed mode is recommended) : 1280 x 720 (wide), 1360…

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  • I have no idea what happened…

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    But apparently all my posts and everything belonging in the post database table had disappeared on the 11th of September (ha-freaking-ha). Thank goodness I have scheduled backup and managed to restore all the posts, up until the latest one made in August (gosh, I neglected this blog for so long). I still am completely clueless…

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  • Lost of precious tools

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    Today, I was trying to find an Excel file with a VBA macro that I wrote. Its purpose is to automate the process of listing all the topics in a section of a forum I moderated into html files, so that I can save them all easily from that list with DownThemAll instead of going…

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  • Some new stuff added

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    Most of the additions have to do with comments. The most prominent is the CAPTCHA, because I have a rather rampant spam problem. Another is that comments posted will not need approval before they show up and visitors’ comments can be edited within a certain period of time. Another thing, which is kind of really…

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  • A Bad Computer Day

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    After going through a day which happened to be Valentine’s Day but I spent part of it getting carsick and throwing up, then reaching home to promptly fall asleep at eight something P.M., I woke up at 7 this morning, feeling quite alright. It’s a good nice beginning for a day, but things continued to…

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  • Got attacked by Webarh redirect

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    I came online today to find that my websites were auto-redirecting to a webarh.com, which was blocked by Google for being a malicious site (thank goodness!). It caused the whole load of my hosted images to not load (possibly because they were being blocked) and my websites to not be displayed. Thankfully, with the help…

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  • Beware of scammers

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    I’ve been meaning to post this for a long time. No, this has nothing to do with internet security. These are real-life scammers who make use of people’s worries and ignorance to cheat them of their hard-earned money. This is very real, and can happen to you and anyone around you. Especially if you are…

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