FFXIV Moogle Beast Tribe quest prerequisites
Posted under FFXIV OnlineTo everyone planning on starting the Moogle beast quests at the launch of 3.3 Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward’s patch 3.3 added a new Beast Tribe Quest, Moogles & Dragons, that is for the Disciple of Hand classes. And since it’s the adorable (but sometimes infuriating) Moogles, it’s obvious that I won’t go without it. But…
FFXIV: ARR Heavensward Astrologian Wallpaper -modified-
Posted under FFXIV OnlineWith the Heavensward expansion coming soon, I’ve been switching to use the officially released wallpapers. When the ones with the concept art of the three new jobs “Dark Knight”, “Astrologian” and “Machinist” were released, I was disappointed to find that they had a nice plain almost white background because I can’t stand bright backgrounds. 🙁…
Travel to Ul’dah FREE via Gold Saucer
Posted under FFXIV OnlineDid you know? If you take the Airship from Gridania or Limsa Lominsa (*update* or Ishgard too) to Gold Saucer, then take the Airship from Gold Saucer to Ul’dah, not a single gil will be spent? I was so happy when I discovered it since I’m the sort who prefers to spend as little money…
FFXIV – To get Tiny Rat minion
Posted under FFXIV OnlineWritten as a reminder to self, to get the Tiny Rat minion, I have to complete the FATE named “Attack on Highbridge: Act III”, then purchase from the NPC “Chachamun” at Eastern Thanalan x22 y21. PS. I added the bit of code needed to make certain FFXIV links show tooltip from The Lodestone! Yay for…
Yda visiting the Gold Saucer?!
Posted under FFXIV OnlineRan into this player who has the whole Yda getup twice, and both times, she was in Gold Saucer! If only there’s a Papalymo with her…
Bye, Dragon Nest SEA. Hello again FFXIV: ARR.
Posted under Dragon NestAs mentioned in the Collection Titles Masterlist, I have stopped playing Dragon Nest SEA since the start of the year and am unlikely to pick it up again for a while, especially since I’m now totally absorbed in Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn. There are quite a number of reasons for this, and I…