Sparkling theme 1.8.1

Reminder to self, don’t update the Sparkling theme to latest version (again) yet because somewhere between 1.7.7 to 1.8.1, a change in the backend caused the child theme’s previous Theme Option settings to not be used. Instead, the parent theme’s settings is being used.

The only way to fix is to downgrade the theme back to a version where the child theme settings are still used, note down what those settings are, then upgrade the parent theme, then implement those settings again. Urgh, so troublesome.

Source, although it’s for a different theme by the same theme developer, it describes the exact same problem so I’m guessing the mentioned framework is being used for Sparkling as well.



2 responses

  1. Seluna,

    Thank you for using Colorlib themes!
    Sorry for inconvenience caused by this update. This happened due to change in Options Framework. Once you reconfigure everything again in Theme Options these changes will be there once you update to 1.8.2, 1.9.0 or whatever version is going to be next.

    Maybe it could have been a good to not to update Options Framework at all but I it could expose theme to some unwanted security vulnerabilities in the future, so it is nice to keep things up to date.

    Sorry again for inconvenience caused by this update.

    1. Seluna Avatar

      Thank you for replying! I totally wasn’t expecting it. And thank you for confirming that the changes will stay after being applied in 1.8.1, that’s reassuring to know.

      I understand about updating the Options Framework to close up security holes, and that sometimes changes causes something else to break unexpectedly. No worries. ^^

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