Some while back I posted photos taken at the front area of my house showing a bird’s nest. Apparently it was a sunbird’s nest, not hummingbird’s. And it’s very likely the Olive-Backed Sunbird, which is pretty common in urban areas of Singapore.

Link reference: Olive-backed Sunbird (Nectarina jugularis)

The sad news is, the female bird died of unknown reason and was found hanging from its nest. πŸ™ My family took it down and buried it, and the nest was left abandoned and later, on the ground. We suspected that the neighbourhood cat that occasionally came to the front area of our house to take a nap or shelter itself from rain might have something to do with the poor bird’s death, but we don’t actually know what happened.

Here’s a photo of the bird and the nest a few days before it was discovered dead.

On a brighter note of things, another sunbird seems to have taken a liking to that spot and was starting to build its nest. Though after a few days of no-show, it might have found a better spot. Well, good luck little birdie~