Belated welcome to WordPress 2.7!

Source : WordPress 2.7, named Coltrane is officially released.

I’ve upgraded up to this version a few days ago and so far things have been smooth. In fact so smooth that I’m considering making and modifying some plugins and themes. That is, before I clear the list of things I want done to my current setup.

The only problem I had was with the admin icon set which I didn’t discover I had a problem with until now. It looks great and all but like somebody said, I had to read the words to know where to click and that’s not very helpful for icon sets. So I tried out this plugin called Tangofy which lets admins choose the icon sets they want to use. It comes with a few sets and I’m thinking of making one for myself if and when I have the time (which I probably won’t for some times).

I’m also contemplating on customizing the admin login page again. Gonna see if I can find a plugin to help or if I’ll end up hacking the stylesheet again. I hope it won’t be the latter, that’s always messy.

With the upgrade, I also changed the theme of the site. iTheme was fine and all but I find that some of the design doesn’t agree with me sometimes. I really like being able to drag the sidebar menus all over though. When I found this theme, I was a little surprised by how it resembles an earlier version of the design I had in mind for my blog, and decided to try it.  I like it so far, Plus it uses my favorite font, Georgia! Still, it’ll need some tweaking to be perfect for me. ^^



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