MMORPG history

MMORPG #1 – Redmoon Online

A casual Redmoon player who started with Lunarena that didn’t get very far then a blue alignment Philar, who kinda made it to Signus but again, didn’t get too far. Fondly remembers carpet-bombing the heck out of Sahara dungeons with a steady diet of Cognac.

MMORPG #2 – Fiesta Online, Teva

A Fiesta casual player who started playing in 2007 and left in 2008. Started replaying her lower characters for KQ. Wonders if her Mage will ever make it to the next job advancement.

MMORPG #3 – MapleSEA, Bootes

A MapleSEA casual player who started playing in 2005 and left for a long time, and recently came back in 2008 and was shocked to find out that the strongest boss is no longer Crimson Balrog. At this point of time, her strongest character can still be 1 hit KO-ed by the Balrog. Loved playing Monster Carnival the most. Left again in year 2010.

MMORPG #4 – Dragon Nest SEA

A Force-user on the Majesty route, was amazingly finally a level 70 character (and the level cap had not raised yet then!). Is sad now that she cannot bully the Warrior Goblins. Struggled to keep playing after private guild became inactive, then finally quit at start of year 2015 after starting to play Final Fantasy XIV: ARR regularly.

MMORPG #5 – FF XIV: EW, Hades server – Selceriar Lunaxiel

[currently active]

A (previously Miqo’te / Au Ra / Viera) Elezen Red Mage who has walked to the End in Ultima Thule and lived. Was a bard once a upon a time, until the discovery of oGCDs and optimal uptime. Has finally gotten at least one Gathering and one Crafting class to level cap, and even a Tank job (Dark Knight)!

Character profile of Selceriar Lunaxiel

Bonus mentions:

The MMOs I dipped my toes in briefly
  • Lineage : The Blood Pledge
  • Granado Espada
  • Kal Online

*Last Updated: 24 Aug 2023