I was quite badly addicted to Facebook for a long while until weeks ago. Then I quitted it for good for these few weeks… until yesterday.
When I caught sight of the new Coffee Bar addition to Restaurant City. It’s like that game knows what I’m weak against.
Yes, I am terribly weak against a game that gives me free reign to design and decorate a restaurant with cute or pretty things. My next weakness is to be able to build an empire all according to how I want it, also with cute and pretty things. See my inner builder? She is so happy.
So I went and went through all the requests and ingredient acquisition and managed to get for myself a shiny Coffee Bar for my restaurant. Then, I discovered one important thing that I should have expected. I have to max dishes to serve coffee and sweet things. 🙁 Damn you, Playfish.
Now I’m torn between my desire to have a nice fully levelled Coffee Bar for my restaurant, or leave it and resume my ‘I’m not playing any FB games’ status.
Decisions decisions.
Something to say?