Monster Hunter World Event Item Tracker

Monster Hunter World, Spring Blossom Festival

Monster Hunter World is currently having its first seasonal event, the Spring Blossom Festival, from 6th April to 19th April 2018, so there’s a bunch of new events. What’s more, many past event quests have made their return for this duration.

With the amount of quest items to collect and craft, I had some trouble keeping track of what’s for what and how many more. To help with that, I whipped up a quick item tracker on Google Sheet and decided to share it.

  MHW Event Item Tracker

Just hop over, make a copy of the Google Sheet and you’ll have your own copy of the tracker sheet.

I’ve also included an “Updates” tab so if I add new event items in my own copy in the future, those will show up automatically without messing things up in the Tracker tab.

Nifty eh? 😀 Hope it’s useful.

By the way, if you need more information about the Spring Blossom Festivals or the event quests, you can check out these two places:

Have a fruitful Spring Blossom Festival~!

Google Sheets icon is made by dtafalonso at Icon Archive


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