Monster Hunter World is currently having its first seasonal event, the Spring Blossom Festival, from 6th April to 19th April 2018, so there’s a bunch of new events. What’s more, many past event quests have made their return for this duration.
With the amount of quest items to collect and craft, I had some trouble keeping track of what’s for what and how many more. To help with that, I whipped up a quick item tracker on Google Sheet and decided to share it.
Just hop over, make a copy of the Google Sheet and you’ll have your own copy of the tracker sheet.
I’ve also included an “Updates” tab so if I add new event items in my own copy in the future, those will show up automatically without messing things up in the Tracker tab.
Nifty eh? 😀 Hope it’s useful.
By the way, if you need more information about the Spring Blossom Festivals or the event quests, you can check out these two places:
- Fextralife: MHW: Spring Blossom Festival & Its Contents
- Reddit: MHWorld Weekly Reset Megathread – April 6, 2018
Have a fruitful Spring Blossom Festival~!
Google Sheets icon is made by dtafalonso at Icon Archive
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