Found yet another interesting information from Asiasoft Forums, maple section. Not sure if it can be found at other places or not but I’m too lazy to search and I’ll post this here so that I know where to find it when I need it. Heh.
*Updated: A new Party Experience Distribution formula has been introduced to the server since patch version 0.86.
ASF topic : Posted by marbl3s in ASF, written by Ice8205
This was written by some cool dude known as Ice8205. So all credits go to him.
Party Experience Distribution
=============================Here is a fairly technical analysis of how Party experience is distributed.
– The Primary killer of a monster in the party gets an extra 20% of the experience.
– Party of 2, the Bonus Party Experience is 10% of the experience.
– Party of 3, the Bonus Party Experience is 14% of the experience.
– Party of 4, the Bonus Party Experience is ??% of the experience. (Assume 20)
– Party of 5, the Bonus Party Experience is 25% of the experience.
– Party of 6, the Bonus Party Experience is ??% of the experience. (Assume 30)– Max Holy Symbol, Party of 1, adds 10% experience
– Max Holy Symbol, Party of 2, adds 41.5% experience
– Max Holy Symbol, Party of 3 or more, adds 50% experience– To be included in the distribution, the player must be at least
5 levels lower than the monster, or higher.
I.E., if the monster is lvl 87, the player must be lvl 82 or greater.N = Number of party members
Li = Level of party member (i)
Em = Total experience of monster.
Lt = Total of party levels = (Sum of Li)
Si = Experience share ratio of Party Member i = Li / Lt
Bp = Bonus party experience rate, as defined above. (10, 14, ??, 25, ??)
HS = Holy Symbol ratio
Dxp = Double Experience NX CardTotal Experience received, non-Primary killer:
==============================================Eist = Em * 0.8 * Si * (1 + Bp) * (1 + HS) * Dxp
Total Experience received, Primary killer:
==========================================Eipt = ((Em * 0.8 * Si) + (Em * 0.2)) * (1 + Bp) * (1 + HS) * Dxp
========Simple Party, No NS, No double exp NX, Party members are the same level.
N Eist Eipt
2 0.44 0.66
3 0.30 0.53
4 0.24 0.48
5 0.20 0.45
6 0.17 0.43NOTE. The numbers above (and below) are the ratio of the Total Monster Experience.
So, for a given monster kill, multiply this number by the monster exp, and
you get the exp received. (And don’t forget that this doesn’t include any
level differences.)Assuming that each member of the party is killing at the same rate,
so that for every monster they kill, every other member of the party kills
a monster, you get:N Et
2 1.1
3 1.14
4 1.2
5 1.25
6 1.3This means that for a party of 2, the overall gain is 10% for each party member.
They are getting 10% more exp than they would have otherwise. And so on.
Basically, the Bonus Party Experience.Now, lets add a Priest to the equation, with Max HS.
N Eist Eipt
2 0.62 0.93
3 0.45 0.795
4 0.36 0.72
5 0.30 0.67
6 0.25 0.645Assuming that each member of the party EXCEPT THE PRIEST is killing
at the same rate, so that for every monster they kill, every other
member of the party kills a monster, you get:N Etatt EtPriest
2 0.93 0.62
3 1.245 0.9
4 1.44 1.08
5 1.57 1.2
6 1.645 1.25This shows a basic observation, which most know just from playing the game.
Any party greater than 2 with a priest, with everyone pulling their weight,
gets better experience.There is one other calculation we can do. Which is the ratio at which
the priest gains exp compared to the attackers.2 0.66
3 0.70
4 0.75
5 0.76
6 0.76This shows that priests in parties get only 2/3 to 3/4 of the experience that
the attackers get. This is because they rarely, if ever, get the primary kill.
Now, some will claim that the extra HEAL experience makes up for this, but not
a chance. It improves things slightly, but compared to the amount of other
experience going on, Heal experience has little effect.As well, the priest can do better in a larger party, and not sticking to one
player and healing. Not something the Dark Knights want to hear, but it is
the truth.However, if the priest is getting primary kills (like at Himes) then the
priest is getting same exp rate as the attacker. Or, something closer to it.This avoids the issue of overall kill rate, which is hard for a priest to
match solo. And the cost of pots, which is another factor in this issue,
but much harder to make an equation for.Quick Party Share Calculations
==============================Calculate Si for party member.
Lt = Total of party levels = (Sum of Li)
Si = Experience share ratio of Party Member i = Li / LtNo Priest:
N Secondary Exp
2 0.88 * Si
3 0.60 * Si
4 0.48 * Si
5 0.40 * Si
6 0.34 * SiFor Primary, add 0.22
With Priest:
N Secondary Exp
2 1.24 * Si
3 0.90 * Si
4 0.72 * Si
5 0.60 * Si
6 0.50 * SiFor Primary, just add 0.31 for party of 2, and 0.33 above 2.
Example: Level 108 and Lvl 27, killing flaming boars with 60 exp.
108 + 27 + 135.
108 / 135 = 0.8 = Si for Lvl 108
27 / 135 = 0.2 = Si for Lvl 27Lvl 108 gets:
60 * 0.88 * 0.8 = 42.2 = 42 Secondary
60 * (0.88 * 0.8 + 0.22) = 55 PrimaryLvl 27 gets:
60 * 0.88 * 0.2 = 10.56 = 10 Secondary
60 * (0.88 * 0.2 + 0.22) = 23.7 PrimaryThese are approximate, as there is truncation and rounding of fractions that occurs.
Something to say?