FFBE: War of the Visions (JP) upgrade systems quick reference

*Update on 1 Aug 2020:
I have actually stopped playing FFBE: WOTV a while back, before the Global version was released. I do not intend to edit the guide for the Global version nor update it to include newer things, but I think I’ll at least get the images up fully within the next few weeks.

This post is a quick reference mostly for myself because I struggle to remember where to get the different types of materials.

Names of the materials are kinda directly translated, I don’t know what their actual English names are or what other guides/wikis are using.

If you’re looking for an English guide, there’s this one:
FFBE WOTV Beginner Guide

*deep breath* Alright, here goes.


30 Aug 2020

Added update section. Slightly cleaned up some formatting.

21 Nov 219

Text version up first, needs a lot of images. Corresponding Japanese names and images to be added within a week or so.

Table of Content

Upgrading and what is needed

I’m just listing the broad categories here. Many of these material types have different tiers.

Upgrade Units


Level up Unit
EXP Cubes
Enhance Job

Enhance Unit’s Jobs to unlock Abilities
Memory Orbs (Faint)
Memory Orbs (Job)
Angel or Dragon Statues
祈る天使像 、佇む地竜像
Pyroxene (Elemental)
Weapon Ores
(ジョブ)のジェダイト, アズライト

Increase Unit’s max level limit, unlock Jobs and Abilities
Thought Fragments (Elemental)
Awakened Souls (Elemental)
Awakened Souls (Elemental Tiered)
(属性)の覚醒魂 (★)
Phantom Spheres
Limit Break
Increase Unit’s and Jobs’ max level limit, unlocks Equipment Slot
Character Shards

Phantom Spheres
Ability Upgrade
Ability becomes stronger
none, just Job Points and money

Upgrade Equipments


Craft an Equipment
(consumable item, 1 time use)
img Various craft materials

Level up Equipment
img Adamantite
Stats Upgrade

Increase Equipment stats (one time or chance to increase when leveling)
img Carved Seals
img Dwarf Hammers
Ability Upgrade

Level up the Equipment’s Ability
img Imp Pots

Increase Equipment’s max level limit
img Secret Notes on Refining (Weapon type)
img Various craft materials

Upgrade Summons


Level up Summon
imgMagicite (Elemental)

Increase Summon’s max level limit
imgElemental Awakening Stones
imgSummon Awakening Stones

Upgrade Vision Cards


Level up Vision Card
imgGrow Eggs

Increase Card’s max level limit, strengthens PartyAbility and equipped effect
imgPhantom Spheres
img Vision Card Shards

Each Material Type and where to find them

I’ll put down the general places to obtain/farm, rather than exact stage and stuff. If you want that info, tap on the item itself to show which quest it can be obtained from. I’m also leaving out the Record Missions (aka Achievements) because those are one time rewards.

The shop that refreshes around every 6 hours also sells random materials, will just be referred to as Shop.

For upgrading units

EXP Cubes

JP name経験値キューブ
PurposeLevel up Unit
TiersSmall, Medium, Large, Rainbow
Obtained FromDaily Dungeon (Experience)

Memory Orbs (Faint)

JP name 微かな記憶
PurposeEnhance Unit Jobs
TiersGreen (lv2-3), Blue (lv4-6), Purple (lv 7-9), Orange (lv10-12) and Red (lv 13-15)
Obtained FromStory Quests
Hard Quests
Chocobo Expedition
Friend Medal Mogshop

Memory Orbs (Job)

JP name ジョブの記憶
PurposeEnhance Unit Jobs
TiersGreen (lv2-3), Blue (lv4-6), Purple (lv 7-9), Orange (lv10-12) and Red (lv 13-15)
Obtained FromStory Quests
Hard Quests
Chocobo Expedition
Friend Medal Mogshop

Angel / Dragon Statues

JP name 祈る天使像 、佇む地竜像
PurposeEnhance Unit Jobs
Tiers Green (lv2-3), Blue (lv4-6), Purple (lv 7-9), Orange (lv10-12) and Red (lv 13-15)
Obtained From Story Quests
Friend Medal Mogshop

Pyroxene (Elemental)

JP name (属性)の輝石
Purpose Enhance Unit Jobs
Tiers Green (lv2-3), Blue (lv4-6), Purple (lv 7-9), Orange (lv10-12) and Red (lv 13-15)
Obtained From Growth Dungeons (Pyroxene, of specific element)
Elemental Shop
Friend Medal Mogshop
Guild Medal Mogshop

Weapon Ores (Jadeite, Azurite etc)

JP name(ジョブ)のジェダイト, アズライト
PurposeEnhance Unit Jobs
Tiers Green (lv2-3), Blue (lv4-6), Purple (lv 7-9), Orange (lv10-12) and Red (lv 13-15)
Obtained From Story Quests
Hard Quests

Thought Fragments (Elemental)

JP name (属性)の想いの欠片
PurposeAwaken Unit
Tiers Common and Rainbow
Obtained From Chocobo Expedition
Elemental Shop
Friend Medal Mogshop
Guild Medal Mogshop
Record Mission (Achievements)

Awakened Souls (Elemental)

JP name (属性)の覚醒魂
PurposeAwaken Unit
Tiers none
Obtained From Record Mission (Achievements)

Awakened Souls (Elemental Tiered)

JP name (属性)の覚醒魂 (★)
PurposeAwaken Unit
Tiers Each awaken level (2*, 3* etc)
Obtained From Growth Dungeons (Pyroxene, of specific element)
Chocobo Expedition
Elemental Shop
Friend Medal Mogshop
Guild Medal Mogshop

Phantom Spheres

JP name 幻球
PurposeAwaken Unit
Limit Break Unit
Awaken Vision Cards
Tiers Normal, Rare, SR, SSR, UR
Obtained From Summon duplicate Units

Character Shards

JP name(キャラ)の欠片
PurposeLimit Break Unit
Tiers Green (lv2-3), Blue (lv4-6), Purple (lv 7-9), Orange (lv10-12) and Red (lv 13-15)
Obtained From Summon duplicate Units
Chocobo Expedition
Hard Quests

For upgrading Equipment


JP name(武具)のクラフトレシピ
PurposeCraft Equipment
Obtained From Shop
Story Quests
Arena Medal Mogshop
PVP Medal Mogshop


JP nameアダマンタイト
PurposeUpgrade Equipment
Tiers Small, Medium, Large
Obtained From Daily Dungeon (Adamantite)
Arena Medal Mogshop
PVP Medal Mogshop

Carved Seals

JP name 刻印
PurposeGives Equipment a chance to increase specified stat when it level up
Obtained From Arena Medal Mogshop
PVP Medal Mogshop

Dwarf Hammers

JP name ドワーフ鎚
PurposeIncrease specified stats of Equipment (can only be used limited amount of times on one weapon)
Obtained From Arena Medal Mogshop
PVP Medal Mogshop

Imp Pots

JP name アムポット
PurposeEquipment Ability Upgrade
Tiers Small, Medium, Large
Obtained From Daily Dungeon (Imp Pots)

Secret Notes on Refining

JP name 精錬の秘伝書(武具)
PurposeAwaken Equipment
Obtained From Arena Medal Mogshop
PVP Medal Mogshop

Equipment Craft Materials

JP name 素材
PurposeAwaken Equipment
Obtained From Story Quests
Hard Quests
PVP Medal Mogshop

PS. I noticed that there are recipes indicating that Equipments at max level (after max awakening) can be used to craft +x versions of themselves. Not sure what the benefit is.

Upgrade Summons

Magicite (Elemental)

JP name (属性)の魔石
PurposeLevel up Summon
Tiers Small, Medium, Large, EX
Obtained From Chocobo Expedition

Elemental Awakening Stones

JP name (属性)の獣醒石
PurposeAwaken Summon
Tiers none, specific to each Elemental
Obtained From Growth Dungeons (Summon Awakening, of specific element)

Summon Awakening Stones

JP name (召喚獣)の獣醒石
PurposeAwaken Summon
Tiers none, specific to each Summon
Obtained From Hard Dungeons (Summon Awakening, of specific Summon)

Upgrade Vision Cards

Grow Eggs

JP name グロウエッグ
PurposeLevel up Vision Card
Tiers Small, Medium, Large
Obtained From Daily Dungeon (Grow Eggs)

Vision Card Shards

JP name (ビジョンカード)の欠片
PurposeAwaken Vision Card
Obtained From Summoning duplicate Vision Cards

One response

  1. Kalmee Ducki Avatar
    Kalmee Ducki


    If anyone is looking for a guild, I found one on youtube called FFX-Axis.
    The leader is a plethora of knowledge and saved me a bunch of time. join us

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