Just a quick status update and a bit about missing quests

It’s really late now but I’m waiting for my poor HTC Flyer’s battery to get a bit more power in it before I go to bed, so I decided to clear some of the comments backlog while I wait. USB charging is slow, and my poor netbook is probably gonna have to remain on for the whole night.

I noticed a few comments after the big patch on 15 Jan saying that the Abyss related quests disappeared, so I did a bit of googling and checked the forums. Turns out, the quests didn’t disappear. They were hidden. The option at Quest window saying  “Hide Quest Marker” now hides the quest starting option for the lower level quests as well, instead of just the marker in mini-map.

So people who cannot find your Spread of the Abyss or other Abyss quests, you know what to do now.

PS. Staring at the battery meter saying 0% is scary. It’s 3% now, woohoo! But I still don’t dare to switch to using outlet charger yet. 🙁

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