Donate via Paylah!QR

Donating via Paylah! QR code is done using the DBS Paylah! mobile app so you could donate completely anonymously.

Shizu would love to know who sent a donation though (and add your name to the Hall of Supporters), so there is a simple form for leaving me a message. If you have joined my Discord server, tell me your Discord username so I can give you perks for supporters. 😀

Alternatively you can support me via Ko-Fi or Throne, which includes payment processing fees and/or platform fees.

By clicking on “Show the QR Code” and donating, you acknowledge that:

  1. The donation is made in a clear state of mind and that the funds used to donate are yours to spend. Donations made are non-refundable.
  2. If you did not choose to show nickname instead of mobile number or you’re using PayNow to scan the QR code, your name and/or mobile number may be shown to Shizu.
  3. Shizu is stating now that except for her own records, she will not use or share any of the personal info obtained in the process of the donation for any other purposes.
  4. Once transaction on the app is completed, the funds are transferred instantly. Any mistakes made cannot be corrected.
  5. You are aware that an alert on stream will not be triggered and shout-out is not guaranteed and it is acceptable for you.

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If you’re on mobile phone, you can tap on this link instead. It’ll bring you straight to the Paylah! page.