WordPress 2.7

Slated to be released on 10th November 2008, this is the must-upgrade version for me, since this one is going to have left-hand navigation, personalize-able admin pages, sticky posts and new options for the plugin feature. It’s basically going to be THE WordPress I’m looking forward to.

How I know? From this review.

I’m actually contemplating combining Apathetic Moon and LunaDream (and if possible, Drache too) so that they run from one single WordPress installation and be able to customize them individually. In short, what some calls ‘multiblog’. But to do it by WordPress MU sounds like using Thor’s hammer for a tiny nail, and possibility quite restrictive, so I’m checking out some of the hacks/plugins for this.

Nerdaphernalia and WP-Hive are looking pretty good right now.

If I’m going to do this, then I’ll probably have to do it by the end of October, way before 2.7 is out, because NaNoWriMo will have started by then and I want to devote my attention to writing that instead of worrying about this.



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