Which Suikoden rune?

You are most compatible with the Gate Rune. You are probably a person who likes to explore and see new places and things. You also see it as your responsibility to try to help others. You don’t run their lives for them, but you try to give them a nudge in the right direction and aid them in problems that seem to be too big for them to handle. You are concerned with the fate of humanity in general, and try to help do your part by using whatever abilities you have for the collective good. Although you are good at predicting the outcome of events, you may also miscalculate or fail to see something, which can cause problems.

The current owner of the Rune of the Gate is Leknaat. She and her sister, Windy, were a part of the Gate Rune Clan. Their village was attacked by the Harmonian Empire, and to protect the rune they divided it in two and fled. Windy swore vengence, and ruthlessly tried to aquire a more powerful rune to do so. Eventually she found the Soul Eater, which led to the Gate Rune Wars. Windy used the Front Gate Rune to summon monsters from the “World of Emptiness” to amass an army to take it, and Leknaat, with her Back Gate Rune and Joshua Levenheit’s Dragon Rune, sent them back. In the end she died, and her half of the rune went to Leknaat. Leknaat has been the keeper of the Stone Tablets, listing the 108 “Stars of Destiny.” She has been a guiding force in every set of Stars.

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